Before I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, all I knew of the disease was that you were tired and gained weight. I thought it would be a quick pill prescription and I’d be on my way. LOL to that.

Let me start by saying I’m writing this blog for two reasons. One, to help anyone struggling with thyroid issues (or any health issues). It’s so important to fight for your health. You know your body, you have to speak up when it isn’t functioning properly. Second, for anyone that knows someone with a thyroid disorder. This condition is so much deeper than being sleepy and gaining weight.


I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism over two years ago, after nearly two years of telling doctor after doctor that something wasn’t right. I was exhausted to the point that I couldn’t get out of bed. It’s not just an “I didn’t sleep enough last night” feeling… Someone with hypothyroidism feels a body and head exhaustion to point of literally not being able to get out of bed. I remember one night I was all dressed up, makeup on, hair done and ready to go meet friends. But my exhaustion got the better of me and I passed out on my couch. I had brain fog so badly I couldn’t remember basic events like birthdays and what time church started. I was gaining weight that didn’t reflect my active lifestyle and healthy eating. And let me tell you, after working so hard to be in the shape I was in – the weight gain was really hard on me. I was also fairly depressed. It’s a different type of depression than a chemical imbalance (this is important for later). You feel depressed because you’re stuck in this fog. You’re exhausted, your body is changing, and your brain doesn’t seem to function properly. It’s like you’re disconnected from yourself. Oh and I was swelling. Like my legs were so swollen I couldn’t wear jeans that literally fit that morning. Then there was the dry skin. My hair wouldn’t grow and was thinning out. I was constantly cold. Being outside for long periods of time in the cold was miserable for me. Have you ever been cold to the bones? That’s how I felt.

Let’s fast forward to doctor three or four. I was finally diagnosed with Hypothyroidism, which means simply stated my thyroid was under producing. This doctor insisted she had my levels at a “normal” range. So naturally she thought I must be depressed and prescribed me an anti depressant. Which spoiler alert, when you’re prescribed a medication that doesn’t treat the root of the problem you don’t feel better. The anti depressant actually made my symptoms worse. After 30 days on an anti depressant I had gained more weight and was more tired than ever. At that point I was ready to accept that this life was my new norm. I was going to have to do what I needed to do to get through and function. My job was suffering because I was late to work all the time. My personal life was exhausting because one evening of socializing took days to recover. Working out was nearly impossible because my body was sore for days on end. I hate how I felt. I felt trapped in a body that wasn’t mine.

Let’s get to the happy part of this story now. Through a series of chances I scheduled a botox appointment with a random person. WHICH I NEVER DO. I heard she was a nurse practitioner so I figured… why not, my wrinkles are over do anyway. Turns out Nurse Practitioner Lexi Yoo giving me my botox would literally change my life. I’ve been seeing Lexi for about a year now and she’s nothing short of amazing. Lexi discovered part of the reason my symptoms weren’t subsiding was because I actually had Hashimottos not just Hypothyroidism. Hashimottos is an auto immune disease where the thyroid literally attacks itself. Not properly treated, could lead to getting your thyroid removed or issues getting pregnant. All the years of being poorly treated not only nearly took away from one of my heart’s strongest desires but also left my thyroid visibly chronically damaged (via an ultrasound). Lexi taught me how to better understand my health. It’s not just a “thyroid” it’s your TSH, T3, T4, TPO antibodies and more. Medical standards contain a rang of “healthy” or accepted levels. Most doctors get you right into the bottom of the range while Lexi believes in getting you to the top so you can truly feel your best. Oh, and on top Hashimottos I had incredibly low Vitamin D and testosterone levels. Low Vitamin D leads to feeling tired and depressed. Low testosterone levels lead to feeling tired, and gaining weight. This is why an anti-depressant didn’t work for me, I needed vitamins and my hormones balanced.

Since my treatment with Lexi all of my symptoms have become more manageable and we are trending toward getting my levels to where they need to be. I’ve lost weight, my hair is growing, I survived a trip to Whistler (aka COLD) and I feel happy again. I feel like me again. As my Mamaw so perfectly put it, it’s like there is light in my eyes again.

So in true Ashley form, here is a list for those of you dealing with a hypothyroidism or hashimottos.

  1. Keep switching doctors until you find one that hears you. Or continuing asking questions to your current doctor.
  2. Understand your levels. Your thyroid is more than your TSH level.
  3. Set your expectations. It’s going to take time to get your levels where they should be and understanding that will help mentally.
  4. Listen to your body. Take walks instead of intense workouts. Get good sleep. Know your body is working REALLY hard right now, and might need a break.
  5. Don’t shut people out. The feeling of depression or being disconnected from your body can easily lead you to changing your social patterns. Rest up so you can have drinks with your friends on Friday, because that will keep you sane.
  6. Be honest with your loved ones. I kept making excuses because I didn’t want to admit to being “sick”.
  7. Ease up on the scale. I don’t weight myself as much right now because I’m still trying to get to a healthy headspace. I don’t want my weight to distract from the amazing health improvement I’ve had.
  8. Get your hormone levels checked! EVERYONE SHOULD DO THIS. Life changing.
  9. If you have Hashimottos aka an auto-immune get off gluten and check your diet.
  10. GO SEE LEXI! (click for her website) She does in person and can usually do virtual appointments as well.

Cheers to good health, friends!