All a girl wants is long hair, to marry rich and have the perfect booty without doing 100 squats a day. Is that too much to ask? Apparently, ugh. I can’t tell you how to marry rich or get the perfect booty but I can tell you what I’ve been doing to help grow my hair out.

I started taking Collagen every single day, and I can’t stop raving about how much I love it. I’ve noticed my hair growing longer, getting thicker and my face skin looking suppler. I am so obsessed with taking collagen that I don’t travel without it, and I’m obsessed because I’ve SEEN the difference it makes. So I wanted to put together some tips on collagen based on the questions I’ve received lately!


Does Collagen have a taste?

Collagen is tasteless (unless marketed otherwise) and as long as you stir it in well it does nothing to the consistency of your drink. I add mine to my coffee every day and because I religiously have coffee every morning it easily became a habit.


How often do I take Collagen?

When I first started taking collagen I took it once a day and about 3-4 times a week I took it twice a day. I’m a big believer that you need to get a supplement into your system before the effects can start kicking in. Now I take it once a day.


Does Collagen easily mix into a drink?

Collagen is a bit tricky to stir because it is a protein. So either stir it in as you pour, or do what I do and use one of these handy hand automatic stirrers.


What brand do you use?

Currently I use the Wellness Please Collagen and I LOVE it. The Wellness Please Collagen is free of GMO and Gluten. It also comes from grass fed animals and contains 18 Amino Acids. It’s really important to find a clean Collagen!


I can’t find a man, but I can find the secret to long, thick hair. Hope this helps babes!